राजकीय महाविद्यालय कुल्लू (हि. प्र.)

Government College Kullu (H.P.)

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Sardar Patel University Mandi, Accreditted by NAAC Ministry of Education Govt. of India Grade B++

Eco Club

Why National Green Corps (NGC) “Eco-club” Programme?

Environmental legislation and its implementation alone cannot address the very complicated environmental issues. It is, therefore, very important to involve the school and college students in large numbers along with general public and government machineries to improve the complicated environmental status. Hence, the propagation of environmental awareness generation after generation is one of the key elements which will help in implementation of environmental laws and rules in a much better way.
Keeping this in mind, National Green Corps programme has been introduced by the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate change, Government of India with an aim of spreading awareness about environment among students by involving them in various environment related programmes through the Eco-Clubs constituted in respective schools and colleges. The members of these Eco-Clubs are called National Green Corps.
The programme aims at creating awareness among school and college students for environmental conservation and sustainable development across the country. It also aims to sensitize and nurture students on nature conservation leading towards positive environmental actions at different levels. Students of schools and colleges across the country are eligible to participate in the programme.
It is a well-established and recognized fact that the children can be catalyst in promoting a mass movement about the ensemble of the environmental issues. Being future citizens, inculcation of environment friendly attitudes and behavioral patterns among them can make a significant difference to the long term efforts for protection of environment.


Constitution of Eco-Clubs aim at raising a National Green Army in schools and colleges all over the country to spread environmental awareness in society and carry out action based programmes for protection, improvement and sustenance of environment. The main objectives are

  • To make students understand about environment and environmental problems.
  • To provide environmental education opportunities for students.
  • To facilitate students participation in decision making in the areas related to environment and development.
  • To involve students in action based programmes related to environment in their surroundings.
  • To bring students into direct contact with various environmental issues.
Sr. No. File Name Download Link
1 List of Birds and Animals  Download
2 List of Flora  Download


Sr. No. File Name Download Link
1 Ban on Plastic  Download
2 Campus Cleanliness Drive 19-08-2023  Download
3 Campus Beautification and Plantation 30-11-2022  Download
4 Plantation Drive Campaign 13-08-2022  Download

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