राजकीय महाविद्यालय कुल्लू (हि. प्र.)

Government College Kullu (H.P.)

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Sardar Patel University Mandi, Accreditted by NAAC Ministry of Education Govt. of India Grade B++

Department of Geography

Name of the department : Geography
Year of establishment : 1967
Name of the Program/Courses : UG
No. of the Teaching posts sanctioned : 04
No. of the Teaching posts filled : 04

Course Structure: B.A with Geography (UG Yearly Programme w.e.f 2018)

Sr. No. Core Course (12) Course Code Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)(4) Discipline Specific Elective DSE(4) Generic Elective (GE) (2) Credit
1st Physical Geography DSE-2A GEOGP 101 CC 6
General Cartography Practical DSC-2B GEOGP 102 CC 6
2nd Human Geography DSC-2C GEOGP 201 CC 6
Environmental Geography DSC-2D GEOGP 202 CC 6
GEOGP 203 SEC Regional Planning and Development 4
GEOGP 204 SEC Remote Sensing and GPS 4
3rd GEOGP 301 SEC Geographic Information System (Practical) 4
GEOGP 302 SEC Field Techniques and Survey based Project Report (Practical) 4
GEOGP 303-1 DSE or GEOGP 303-2 DSE Geography of India or Economic Geography 6
GEOGP 304-1DSE or GEOGP 304-2 DSE Disaster Management or Geography of Tourism 6
GEOGP 305-GE1 Disaster Risk Reduction 6
GEOGP 306-GE2 Sustainability and Development 6

Program Objectives :

After completion of Bachelors of Arts in Geography

  • Students will acquire an understanding the relationship between geography and culture.
  • Students will read, interpret and generate maps.
  • Student will emphasize the social and behavioural aspects of geography.
  • Geography provides knowledge in preparation for career in different fields.
  • Geography promotes a scientific temper and develops available strategy for sustainable development for human welfare.
  • Welfare approach in geography provides positive guidance in the evolution and policy formulation.

Program Outcome :

  • Students will be able to demonstrate the interrelationship between people and places, nature and society.
  • It will conceive of “one world one humanity” and there will be no artificial political boundaries to address the global problems of Poverty, Hunger, Disease, Over Population and Environmental Pollution.
  • It is imperative not only that nations and human beings learn to live in peace with justice for all but that we also learn how to relate ourselves to our own natural surroundings in such a way as to stay alive and prosper.
  • Geography attempts to provide better understanding and help the students to achieve a vision of a better world in context of realities of man and land.

Subject Specific Outcomes :

  • Students will acquire the ability of interaction between public and their environments.
  • It creates an awareness of new places.
  • Students will gain factual knowledge about the world, its regions and diversity of natural and cultural landscape.

Program Specific Outcomes :

  • To understand global interdependence and become a better global citizen.
  • To be able to make sensible judgements about matters involving relationships between the physical environment and society.
  • It will help students to identify and assess how geographic concepts apply in the workplace and in everyday life to solve real world problems.
  • To articulate the theories, philosophies and concept in the geography including themes of spatial patterns and structures.

Course Outcomes :

Physical Geography :

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of the major physical features of the earth and the ability to locate examples of earth’s major physical features on a map.
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of the major cultural features of earth and locate examples on a map.

General Cartography :

  • Cartography has made easier to study and understand most of the geographical phenomena.
  • Cartography provides basic skills of maps and diagrams.
  • It provides a simple platform for identification and comparative analysis of any components.
  • It gives knowledge of Projections, Spatial relationship between living organism and Environment, Generalization and Symbolization etc.
  • Students will acquire, analyze, evaluate and interpret geographic data by generating maps and diagrams in spatio-temporal and organizational perspectives.

Human Geography :

  • Students will have a general understanding of global human population patterns, factors influencing the distribution and mobility of human populations, including settlement and economic activities and human impacts on the physical environment.
  • Students will understand general demographic principles and their patterns at regional and global scales.
  • Students will be able to think about spatial terms to explain what has occurred in the past by using geographic principles to understand the present and plan for the future.

Environmental Geography :

  • Students will have a general understanding of how the physical environment, human societies, local and global economic systems are integral to the principles of sustainable development.
  • Students will analyze the earth as an integrated human environment system by examining dynamic flows, interactions, and exchanges at different spatial and temporal scales.
  • It develops various skills like- observation, discussion, explanation, experimentation, logical reasoning, through interaction with immediate surroundings.

Regional Planning and Development :

  • Students will develop the skills necessary for the effective practice of planning, including its purpose, meaning and history; methods that envision future changes; administration and implementation of plans etc.
  • Students will acquire a solid base of knowledge in the principles and practices of learning, including urban spatial structure, local public finance, and economics of development, infrastructure provision, and globalization etc.
  • Students will understand how spatial planning can enhance people’s lives by improving the quality of places.

Remote Sensing and GPS :

  • To provide exposure to students in gaining knowledge of concepts and applications leading to modeling of earth’s resource management using remote sensing.
  • To acquire skills in storing, managing digital planning and development.
  • GPS technology has many advantages as compared to conventional survey such as co-ordinates in the field in real time, centimeter level accuracy, no need to post processing the data, one man system and is independent of weather conditions.

Geographic Information System :

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of foundational theories of GIS; use the tools and methods of GIS.
  • Students will become familiar with modern techniques in Geography.
  • Students will be able to apply their skills in professional careers.

Field Techniques and Survey based Project Report (Practical) :

  • Field surveys are one of the most commonly used methods by researchers for the collection of primary data.
  • These surveys enhance our understanding about patterns of spatial distribution, their association and relationships at the local level.
  • It also facilitates the collection of micro level information that is not available through secondary sources.

geography of India :

  • To identify and explain the Indian Geographical environment.
  • To evaluate the impacts of human activities on natural environment with special reference to India.
  • To explain the distinct dimensions, physical setup, climate, vegetation, soils and regional study of India.
  • To show awareness and responsibilities for India.

Economic Geography :

  • Capacity to express human and economic activities taking place in the world.
  • Capacity to create understanding of economic geography as a dynamic, diverse and contested body of knowledge that aims to provide critical insights in to the working of contemporary societies and economics.
  • It is relevant for a wide range of careers in both the public and private sector.

Disaster Management :

  • It enhances knowledge, experience and research based capacities that will reduce disaster risk and contribute to better targeted public health based relief following disasters.
  • Capacity to enlarge a culture of disaster preparedness in the field.
  • Students will respond instantly in effective decision making.

Geography of tourism :

  • Tourism can create lots of different types of jobs. This is because it involves providing service to other people.
  • It provides the essential background, against which tourist destinations are explored and its environmental impacts and concerns are understood, which are major issues that must be considered in managing the development of tourist places.
  • Students will be able to correlate the relations between places, landscapes and human societies.
  • They can effectively describe travel and tourism as an economic, social and cultural activity.

Disaster Ridk Reduction :

  • Capacity to help in saving lives.
  • Capacity to reduce future risk of human and material losses.
  • Capacity to increase the knowledge and understanding of the disaster phenomena in its different contextual aspects.
  • Capacity to increase skills and abilities for implementing the disaster risk reduction strategy.

Sustainability and Development :

  • To gaining increased attention in tertiary education.
  • To suggestion a comprehensive rethinking about sustainable development discourse.
  • It is important issue in long term planning due to the limitation of natural resources and ethical responsibilities to future generations to meet their needs.

Student Progresion :

  • Ashu roll no 1170520009 has joined wild life Sanctuary at Khokhan Kullu (H.P) .
  • Jai Singh , roll no 1170520267 is pursuing M.A. in English from G.D.C Kullu (H.P).
  • Sushmita, roll 1170520760 is doing B.Ed from B.Ed College Shadhabai Kullu.
  • Vivek Thakur, roll no 1170520837 has joined Dogra Regiments Faizabad (U. P.)
  • Shubham Kumar, roll no 1170390135 has joined Dogra Regiments Faizabad (U. P.)

Activities :

  • Students were encouraged to draw maps, scales, projections and data interpretation with diagrams.
  • Students were encouraged to explore the new areas around their home regarding field study and report.
  • Students were assigned to prepare Survey based Project Report on various socio- economic themes around their surroundings.
  • Students were assigned to prepare and maintain the practical file record.
  • Department organized online paper presentation on the topic “Basics of Regional Planning". There were total 85 students; out of them 12 students presented their paper.
  • Department organized online discussion on basics of map reading and skills.

Dr. Om Parkash Thakur

Associate Professor

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Chet Ram

Associate Professor

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Sneh Lata


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Three days Training on basics of Remote sensing &G.I.S at GB Pant Institute

Three days Training on basics of Remote sensing &G.I.S at GB Pant Institute

Three days Training on basics of Remote sensing &G.I.S at GB Pant Institute

Three days Training on basics of Remote sensing &G.I.S at GB Pant Institute

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