राजकीय महाविद्यालय कुल्लू (हि. प्र.)

Government College Kullu (H.P.)

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to Sardar Patel University Mandi, Accreditted by NAAC Ministry of Education Govt. of India Grade B++

Department of Education

Name of the department : Education
Year of establishment : 2018
Name of the Program/Courses : UG
No. of the Teaching posts sanctioned : 1
No. of the Teaching posts filled : 1

Course Structure : B.A. (Regular) with Education (UG Yearly Programme w.e.f 2018)

B.A with Education (UG Yearly Programme)

Course Type
Course Code Course Title Credit
I Discipline Specific Core Course (DSC-1A) EDN 101 Philosophical Foundations of Education 6
Discipline Specific Core Course (DSC-1B) EDN 102 Sociological Foundations of Education 6
II Discipline Specific Core Course (DSC-1C) EDN 201 Psychological Basis of Education 6
Discipline Specific Core Course (DSC-1D) EDN 202 Development of Education in India 6
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-1) EDN 203 Yoga 4
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-2) EDN 204 Life Skills Education 4
Discipline Specific Elective Course (DSE-1A) EDN 303 Educational Management 6
Discipline Specific Elective Course (DSE-1B) EDN 304 Inclusive Education 6
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-3) EDN 301 Pedagogy of Education 4
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC-4) EDN 302 ICT in Education 4
Generic Elective Course (GE-1) EDN 305 Education for Peace 6
Generic Elective Course (GE-2) EDN 306 Educational Thoughts and Practices 6

Bachelor of Arts in Education or B.A. Education is a three year undergraduate degree programme where the learners are educated in domain of Education and its application. The core objective of this programme is to build right attitude and values among the students needed for teaching profession and in the perspective of local, national and global concerns. Programme will enhance professional competencies of the students and will enable them to acquaint with the skills needed for personal as well as social transformation through Education.

Programme Objectives :–

The following are the objectives of the programme;

  • to equip the students with the basic knowledge and understanding of the subject.
  • to motivate, inspire and develop interest of student in Education.
  • to stimulate the students to see Education as a vital component for personal as well as social transformation.
  • to develop broad and balanced knowledge and understanding of concept mentioned in the course.
  • to develop the ability to think critically over theoretical orientations.
  • to develop scientific temperament, humanitarian values and ethics in students.

Programme Outcomes :–

This programme will;

  • enable the students to apply acquired knowledge to advance the capacities in teaching, research and extension work in the field of Education.
  • enable the students to apply knowledge and skills to deal with emerging issues of Educational field by applying critical, creative and constructive thought process.
  • enable the students to apply theoretical orientations to the practical filed.
  • strengthen the professional competencies of the students.
  • to bring development in the chosen field and progress towards an advance degree.

Course Title :– Philosophical Foundations of Education

Course Code :– EDN 101

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • develop understanding on the concept of Educational Sociology and Sociology of Education.
  • understand relationship between Sociology and Education.
  • know and understand sociological determinants of Education.
  • acquire knowledge of concept of social change and about the role of school and teacher in the social change.
  • know and understand about different social groups and impact of Education on them.
  • acquaint with the meaning of socialization.
  • understand how a teacher is involved in the process of socialization.
  • acquire knowledge of concept of Culture and understand how culture and Education are related.
  • develop understanding over the role of Education in cultural development.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • discuss and explain meaning and nature of Educational Sociology and Sociology of Education.
  • differentiate between Educational Sociology and Sociology of Education.
  • comprehend and discuss Sociological determinants of Education.
  • develop a capacity of critical analyse of concept of Social change and factors affecting social change.
  • logically analyse meaning, characteristics and need of school and community.
  • discuss and explain relationship between school and community.
  • describe socialization and role of teacher in the process of socialization.
  • explain concept of culture and role of Education in the development of culture.

Course Title :– Psychological Basis of Education

Course Code :– EDN 201

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • understand the concept and nature of Psychology and Educational Psychology.
  • develop understanding about different methods of Educational Psychology and its application in teaching learning process.
  • know and understand the concept of growth and development and different factors affecting growth and development.
  • acquire in depth knowledge of adolescence period.
  • develop understanding on the concept and nature of individual difference.
  • understand concept of intelligence and creativity.
  • acquire knowledge of measurement techniques of intelligence and creativity.
  • grasp the meaning of learning and factor & affecting learning.
  • know and understand concept, types and principles of motivation to understand techniques of enhancing motivation.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • comprehend concept and nature of Psychology and Educational Psychology.
  • demonstrate different methods of Educational Psychology.
  • comprehend application of Educational Psychology in teaching learning process.
  • interpret meaning, principal and factors associated with growth and development.
  • demonstrate adolescence period.
  • be aware of the concept of individual difference.
  • interpret meaning, characteristics and factors affecting intelligence and creativity. Acquaint with the knowledge of measuring techniques of intelligence and creativity.
  • familiarize with the meaning, nature and factors affecting learning.
  • explain factors affecting teaching learning process.
  • discuss and explain concept, types and principles of motivation.
  • familiarize with the techniques of enhancing motivation.

Course Title :– Development of Education in India.

Course Code :– EDN 202

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • gain knowledge of Education system during ancient and medieval India.
  • acquaint with the British influence on Indian Education system.
  • understand significant points of selected Educational documents and reports of British period.
  • develop understanding on the growth and development of Indian Education in post-independence period.
  • acquire adequate knowledge of recommendation of various commissions of Indian Education.
  • understand and gain knowledge about Education system in modern India.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • demonstrate aims, characteristics and salient features of Vedic, Buddhist and Islamic Education system.
  • comprehend education system during British period.
  • comprehend Macaulay’s minute 1835, Wood’s Despatch 1854 and Hunter Commission 1882.
  • interpret development of Indian Education during post-independence period.
  • explain recommendations of University Education Commission, Secondary Education Commission and Kothari Education Commission.
  • discuss NPE 1986, NCF 2005 & NCFTE 2009.

Course Title :– Yoga

Course Code :– EDN 203 (Skill Enhancement Course) SEC-1

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • know and understand meaning, definitions and characteristics of Yoga.
  • develop understanding on needs and objectives of Yoga.
  • understand contribution of Yoga in human development.
  • acquire knowledge of meaning and significance of Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga and Karma Yoga.
  • gain knowledge of Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali.
  • acquire knowledge and understanding of different aspects of Yoga.
  • understand how Yoga contribute for bringing peace and harmony.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • comprehend meaning, definition and characteristics of Yoga.
  • explain needs and objectives of Yoga.
  • analyse significance of Yoga in human development.
  • demonstrate Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga and Karma Yoga with their significance.
  • demonstrate Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali and apply its knowledge practically.
  • demonstrate different aspects of Yoga and prepare them physically and mentally for the integration of their physical, mental and spiritual faculties so that they can become healthier, saner and more integrated members of society.
  • acquaint with the skills for practicing Yoga to attain good health and higher level of consciousness.

Course Title :– Life Skills Education

Course Code :– EDN 204 (Skill Enhancement Course) SEC-2

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to :

  • develop understanding of concept, definition and components of life skills.
  • gain knowledge of different types of life skills.
  • understand role of life skills in health promotion.
  • acquire knowledge and understanding of importance of life skill Education.
  • acquire knowledge regarding areas of application of life skills.
  • develop systematic understanding of methods for developing life skills and teacher’s role in promoting life skills.
  • know, understand and acquire knowledge of different techniques useful for developing life skills.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • discuss and explain concept, definitions and various components of life skills.
  • interpret social, emotional and interpersonal skills and will be able to apply these skills to cope with the demand of everyday life.
  • analyse and think critically about the need for life skills Education.
  • aware of life skills role in health promotion.
  • acquaint with the areas of application of life skills.
  • familiarize with the different methods for developing life skills and develop ability to use them in practical situation.
  • analyse crucial role of teacher in promotion of life skills.
  • to apply knowledge of techniques for developing life skills in practical situation.

Course Title :– Pedagogy of Education

Course Code :– EDN 301 (Skill Enhancement Course) SEC-3

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • develop understanding of meaning, concept and characteristics of Pedagogy.
  • know and understand different type of Pedagogical approaches.
  • generate awareness and augment their understanding in terms of various teaching methods.
  • develop understanding on various students and teacher centred techniques of teaching.
  • understand need and importance of learning resources in Education.
  • acquaint with the knowledge of various learning resource and make them able to bring their use in actual classroom teaching situation.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • discuss and explain the concept and characteristics of Pedagogy in detail.
  • demonstrate different types of Pedagogical approaches and develop skills for their practical use.
  • get equipped with essential Pedagogical skills and will be able to render an important contribution in enriching teaching learning process.
  • analyse and make use of different teaching methods and techniques effectively to bring effectiveness in teaching learning process.
  • analyse need and importance of learning resources and develop ability to use learning resource efficiently to bring effectiveness in teaching-learning process.

Course Title :– ICT in Education

Course Code :– EDN 302 (Skill Enhancement Course) SEC-4

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to :

  • develop understanding of meaning, concept and characteristics of ICT.
  • develop Knowledge and understanding over the role of ICT in teaching learning process.
  • understand and acquire knowledge of challenges encountered in the process of Integration of ICT in school Education.
  • acquire an understanding of the concept, process and principles of communication.
  • know and understand modes and barriers of communication.
  • acquaint with the different technologies for classroom instruction and their educational applications.
  • acquire knowledge and understanding over new trends in ICT.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • discuss and explain meaning and characteristics of ICT.
  • discuss and describe clearly the role of ICT in the process of teaching and learning.
  • analyse challenges encountered during integration of ICT in school Education.
  • express their ideas clearly on the concept, process and principle of communication.
  • think critically and describe modes and barriers in the process of communication.
  • apply knowledge of different technologies of classroom instruction in real classroom setting.
  • get acquainted with the knowledge of new trends in the field of ICT and acquire skills for their application in classroom to bring effectiveness in the teaching learning process.

Course Title :– Inclusive Education

Course Code :– EDN 304

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • to understand concept, meaning and objectives of Inclusive Education.
  • Acquire knowledge of need and importance of Inclusive Education.
  • to know and understand meaning, types, identification and characteristics of children with special needs.
  • develop understanding and knowledge of techniques and aids for the Education of CWSN.
  • acquire adequate knowledge of policies and programmes in relation to Inclusive Education.
  • develop understanding over role of family and community in nurturance of CWSN.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • comprehend concept, meaning and objectives of Inclusive Education.
  • analyse need and importance of Inclusive Education.
  • explain and discuss meaning and type of CWSN.
  • discuss characteristics of CWSN and will get acquainted with the measures taken for identification of CWSN.
  • apply their knowledge of techniques and aids for the Education of CWSN to enrich teaching learning in inclusive environment.
  • get acquainted with the policies and programmes of Inclusion.
  • develop understanding and sensitivity over the role of family and community in nurturance of CWSN.

Course Title :– Educational Management

Course Code :– EDN 303

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • know and understand meaning, nature and scope of Educational Management.
  • develop understanding on different types of Management.
  • to understand meaning and nature of leadership.
  • acquire knowledge and understanding of affecting leadership skills.
  • understand different factors that are affecting managerial behaviour.
  • acquire knowledge of concept of teaching learning process.
  • acquaint with the knowledge of steps of managing teaching learning process.
  • understand role of teacher as a manager.
  • develop a systematic understanding of concept, need and importance of institutional planning.
  • gain knowledge and understanding on curricular and co-curricular programme and for framing of time table.
  • adequate knowledge of institutional climate and discipline.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • explain meaning, nature and scope of Educational Management.
  • differentiate between different types of management.
  • describe meaning and nature of leadership.
  • acquire different managerial skills.
  • list and describe factors affecting managerial behaviour.
  • Interpret concept of teaching learning process.
  • acquaint with the steps involved in teaching learning process.
  • analyse role of teacher as a manager.
  • explain concept of institutional planning logically.
  • critically analyse curricular and co-curricular programmes and will get acquainted with the process of framing time-table.
  • discuss and explain their understanding regarding institutional climate and discipline.

Course Title :– Education for Peace

Course Code :– EDN 305 Generic Elective (GE-1)

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • understand meaning, concept and need for Education for Peace.
  • know and understand ways to promote Peace in class room and role of teacher as Peace builder.
  • develop understanding one’s different agencies of Peace Education.
  • acquire knowledge and understanding one’s methods/ approaches for Peace Education.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • discuss and explain meaning, concept and need for Education for Pease.
  • discuss different ways for promotion of Peace in class room.
  • analyse crucial role of teacher as Pease builder.
  • interpret different agencies of Peace Education.
  • demonstrate knowledge of different methods/ approaches for Peace Education in detail.

Course Title :– Educational Thoughts and Practices

Course Code :– EDN 306 Generic Elective (GE-2)

Course Objectives :–

To enable the students to;

  • acquire knowledge and understanding of Educational thoughts of Western Philosophers.
  • get acquainted with the basic contributions of Philosophers in Education.
  • to understand Basic contributions of prominent Indian philosophers to Education.
  • to develop understanding on basic Educational thoughts and practice.

Course Outcomes :–

After going through the course students will be able to;

  • explain and discuss Educational thoughts of western philosophers.
  • analyse basic contributions of philosophers in Education.
  • logically analyse basic contribution of prominent Indian philosophers to the field of Education.
  • acquaint with the basic educational thoughts and practice.

Anupama Katoch

Assistant Professor

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